REVIEW: Oh. It’s You.: Love Poems by Cats by Francesco Marciuliano

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From the author of the beloved I Could Pee on This series comes a new book of hilarious love poems from cats to their people.

Cats have so many ways to say “I love you.” Sometimes it’s a gentle purr and a slow blink. Sometimes it’s a tiny dead animal offered in tribute. And sometimes, it’s expressed in that deepest of cat love languages: poetry.

The author of the internationally bestselling series of tongue-in-cheek poetry helps cats put paw to keyboard to express the depth of their feline feelings in odes to breakfasts (on time, please!), ripped-up rugs (it’s a sign of affection!), the importance of keeping watch in the bathroom, and the perfect cardboard box that the expensive and totally ignored new cat bed arrived in. Illustrated by adorable and goofy cat photos, this book is the purrfect combination of snarky and sweet that every cat person knows is cat for true love.

CAT PHOTOS GALORE: Illustrated by a collection of feline models striking poses that are charming, affectionate, standoffish, and just plain silly, this whimsical poetry book reveals kitties at their most lovable.

To The Person

I Am Now With

You are


I could

Ever want

If it has to be you


No, cats are not like dogs with their endearing enthusiasm and rocket propelled nose to the crotch way of greeting you at the door. Cats are far more subtle. They express their love through slow blinks, choosing to sit on you far past when your bladder tells you “It’s time to go,” digging their paws under the bathroom door with the frantic message that it’s time for them to let you feed them.

It Beats So

Hard and Fast

Have you ever felt a love

So intensely

So immensely

That you fear your chest is about

to burst

Neither have I

Eh, must be gas

Still Sitting next to you

As you look at TV is rather nice


Man, you watch a lot of crap

on streaming

But poetry? Do your cats write you love poems to express their feelings for you? What, no? Well show them this little book, read them the efforts of other felines and see if that doesn’t spark a wave of creativity from them. In the meantime, chop chop with their favorite morsels. They’re no doubt hungry and need sustenance to fuel their afternoon nap.

Still That Spark

There’s something

In the way you say



That makes me realize

I can still surprise you

Cats love the way we love them, even if they sometimes show it in weird ways. B+


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