Empowering Violence Prevention & Restorative Practice Leadership at the Student Summit
DECATUR — Jasmine Confer didn’t know what she was volunteering for when Detective Jameka Sherrod asked for a volunteer at the Macon/Piatt Student Summit on Friday at The Salvation Army.
The Chicago police department detective told the rest of the students and adults in the room what officers need to know when someone reports a crime: what the person looks like, including hair color, what they’re wearing, and anything and everything that might help them spot the person.
Then Sherrod sent Confer out of the room and asked the attendees to write a description of her that was as complete as they could make it. Most weren’t able to provide much in the way of detail. A few remembered she was wearing a Star Wars T-shirt. Some mentioned her distinctive sneakers. Det. Sherrod said it’s critical to memorize and report as many details as possible.
The Macon/Piatt Student Summit was organized by Jill Reedy, assistant regional superintendent of schools with the Macon-Piatt Regional Office of Education, Sherrod’s Independent Mentoring Program Inc. and the chiefs of police and sheriffs of Macon and Piatt counties.
“This is our first Macon-Piatt Youth Summit with law enforcement,” Reedy said. “We have drawn five students from each of our school districts in Macon and Piatt counties. We’re really excited about that. We have all the chiefs of police here from all of our local law enforcement agencies, and we’ve brought this group together because we often don’t hear the perspective of our youth. I think it’s really important because they’re the future of our community and their voice is important. And we want to work really hard today. Our goal is to build positive relationships between youth and law enforcement.”
The chiefs of police were seated at tables with students from their own communities, she said, and the agenda included guest speakers, like Detective Sherrod, as well as more informal discussion among the students and law enforcement officers about possible scenarios, making wise decisions, addressing violence prevention in schools and being “restorative leaders” in their community.
Jasmine Confer is a junior at Eisenhower High School and has been the victim of abuse, she said, which made her want to be a voice and a resource for other young people.
“I want to do something with my community for law enforcement,” she said. “I feel like, as a kid, I want to help people. I want to help other people who have been abused to get out of situations. It brings you down when you have no one to help you.”
Chief Shane Brandel of the Decatur Police Department said he wanted to help build bridges between law enforcement and youth.
Chicago police Detective Jameka Sherrod, right, works with Eisenhower junior Jasmine Confer during a conference on Friday at Salvation Army in Decatur.
“We’re talking about violence prevention, and violence is a broader issue than just shootings and stuff like that,” Brandel said. “You’re talking about domestic violence, bullying, teen dating, getting in fights at school, so the whole thing about us just talking to the youth about options outside of turning to violence that they have available to them, to resolve their conflicts without resorting to violence, that’s the whole purpose. It helps their lives, it helps their school, it helps their community and it gives the life skills in terms of conflict resolution.”
There’s often a disconnect between youth and law enforcement, he said, that is largely a matter of not understanding each other.
Deputy Chief Shane Brandel talks about training for police in December 2019.
“Most adults look at youth and go, ‘What’s wrong with our kids?’” he said. “Every generation does that. And the truth is, there’s nothing wrong with our kids. We’re just not connected. There’s just that generational gap. The music is different, the style is different and every generation goes through that.”
Jarmese Sherrod, who is the elder sister of Jameka Sherrod, asked her sister to come because while Chicago is obviously a bigger city with bigger problems than Decatur, the basic issues are the same. The hope, Sherrod said, is that the students will go back to their schools and influence their peers.
“We’re talking about community connections and a sustainable solutions,” she said. “We want the students to be aware of things but also more than anything, we want to build a positive relationship between law enforcement and students.”
In order to solve the problem of violence, she said, every stakeholder needs to be at the table.
“In (Detective Sherrod’s) career, she wants to make sure she never sees any of these kids in a situation that could cause them harm,” Dr. Sherrod said. “With that being said, this is the best time to do this, because we hope these kids will hear this and take it back to their schools, to hopefully put something in every school that is dealing with violence prevention.”
PHOTOS: Jarmese Sherrod invests acts of service in Decatur
Jarmes Sherrod addresses the audience at the opening of “The Black Extravaganza” event hosted by the Richland Community College Media Club and Black Student Association on Feb. 5. Sherrod is the originator of the event.
Jarmese Sherrod gives Aaliyah Turner a personalized letter of encouragement during an “Iron Sharpens Iron Empowerment and Leadership Program” meeting at Jalyrih Grill in May.
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JIM BOWLING, HERALD & REVIEW From left, Dr. Jarmese Sherrod checks on Ometariaye Tolliver, Jaibakari Godley and Kamariaye Godley before they take a plane ride through the Young Eagles Flight Program during Airport Day at the Decatur Airport Saturday June 1st. Dr. Sherrod arranged for several local sixth grade through high school students in her Iron Sharpens Iron Empowerment and Leadership Program and their siblings to experience a free flight over Decatur during the event.
Jarmese Sherrod jokes with Zanyia Jenkins while playing a game of UNO during the final Iron Sharpens Iron Empowerment and Leadership Program meeting on May 10.
Jarmese Sherrod assists MacArthur High School student LaKreisha Gause-Dady before the start of the Richland Community College African American Heritage Community Graduation at Eisenhower High School on May 5. Sherrod juggles a dizzying number of activities in the community.
Jarmese Sherrod leads discussion in her Introduction to Radio Production class at Richland Community College on April 9. “Students want to find someone who cares about them,” she says.
Jarmese Sherrod emcees the fashion show in “The Black Extravaganza” event at Richland Community College on Feb. 5.
Jarmese Sherrod speaks with members of Decatur Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 274 on April 16. Sherrod discussed future collaborations with her Iron Sharpens Iron Empowerment and Leadership Program.
Jarmese Sherrod addresses the audience at the Black History Month program at Eisenhower High School on Feb. 23.
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JIM BOWLING, HERALD & REVIEW Dr. Jarmese Sherrod talks with graduating Eisenhower and MacArthur High School students before the start of the Richland Community College African American Heritage Community Graduation at Eisenhower High School Sunday May 5th. Dr. Sherrod delivered the Inspirational Sendoff during the event.
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JIM BOWLING, HERALD & REVIEW From left, Shatavia Jenkins, Aaliyah Turner, Dr. Jarmese Sherrod, Richland Community College Professor Evyonne Hawkins and others play games during the final Iron Sharpens Iron Empowerment and Leadership Program meeting of the school year with a student group from Phoenix Academy at the Jalyrih Grill Friday May 10th.
Jarmese Sherrod leads discussion in her Introduction to Radio Production class at Richland Community College Tuesday on April 9.
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JIM BOWLING, HERALD & REVIEW Dr. Jarmese Sherrod takes photos as graduates enter the auditorium for the start of the Richland Community College African American Heritage Community Graduation at Eisenhower High School Sunday May 5th.
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JIM BOWLING, HERALD & REVIEW Dr. Jarmese Sherrod speaks with members of Decatur Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 274 about future collaborations with her Iron Sharpens Iron Empowerment and Leadership Program during an E.A.A. chapter meeting at the Decatur Airport Tuesday April 16, 2019.
Students Kayla Walker, left, and Nashari Barbee receive certificates for their participation in the Young Eagles Flight Program as Jarmese Sherrod looks on at Decatur Airport on June 6. Sherrod teaches developmental English and media at Richland Community College, among many other activities.
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JIM BOWLING, HERALD & REVIEW Dr. Jarmese Sherrod, middle left, and Richland Community College Professor Evyonne Hawkins hand out treats and personalized letters of encouragement during the final Iron Sharpens Iron Empowerment and Leadership Program meeting of the school year with a student group of girls from Phoenix Academy at the Jalyrih Grill Friday May 10th.
Contact Valerie Wells at (217) 421-7982. Follow her on Twitter: @modgirlreporter
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